Imprisoned during World War I as a conscientious objector and interned during World War II as an enemy alien, Reginald Horace Blyth was a poet, a scholar, a musician, a linguist and a student of Zen who ultimately became teacher to an emporer. His pivitol works were published in Japan even during his internment.
Written in the form of an autobiographical novel filled with Zen and poetry, this book recounts a life of hard work, books and music, of spiritual questing, and of learning to be at peace with one’s self and one’s choices. It celebrates a man who built bridge between East and West for the greater part of his lifetime. Through it, we understand someone who moved with a sense of purpose, warmth and humor and left a mark that was very distinct indeed.
イギリス出身の文学者、日本文化研究者、レジナルド・ボーラス・ブライスの生涯を描いた自伝的小説。ロンドン大学を卒業後、京城帝国大学英文科の助教授を勤め、その後来日する。第二次大戦中は敵性外国人として収容されたが、戦後学習院大学の教授となり、海外に俳句を広めるきっかけとなった『俳句 Haiku』を執筆するなど波乱に満ちた生涯を描きます。